Thursday, September 6, 2007

Day Three

Day three... why do the days drag on a diet? What is that about? And why does it take so long to lose weight? It sure didn't seem like it took too long to gain it. The time flew when I was blissfully scarfing down crispy onion rings and gooey bars. But on a diet, I wake up and I'm thinking, "Ug. Ok, it's only day three." I wade through my day and quietly munch on my high fiber cereal, my lean chicken, and sigh as I pass the champagne cake in the cafeteria cooler. Still, the scale was kind to me today (see tracking section) and I have been faithful to the plan. The scale bit: it could be due to "dropping some brownies off at the pot luck" (if you get my drift) and just being hungry and empty. No real weight loss. No reduction in the jiggle factor. No exercise today, either. I WILL do three days this week, though. I will.

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