Friday, July 24, 2009

Domicile Discontent

I am soooooo hating my house lately. It is too darn small. I feel clausterphobic in there. It makes me want to get rid of about 1/2 of my stuff to make the house seem livable, but my spouse is not ok with that idea. So, I keep cramming stuff into closets and feeling like every room is overcrowded. Grrr.

This has gotten so bad, I have started looking at homes for sale in town. There is nothing that I am feeling like is "perfect." Besides, I love my neighborhood. So, I have asked my spouse to start looking into an addition into our house. Same location, bigger space. I don't know we can accomplish what I am wanting, but worth exploring. Now, if only I could find that mythical money tree or pot of gold.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Is This Thing On?

Testing.. testing... check one, check one. Hello? I am severely lacking in the comment department here, people (except for Ladafam - thank you). You all know what a junkie I am with the comments. Then again, I really AM just typing to amuse myself, so...

Monday, July 20, 2009


I started something new today in my quest to be all fit and healthy and junk. I have heard about Pilates for years, ever since Maddonna rapped about it badly. I never took a class, even though others raved about it. I was hanging with the Turbo crowd then.

Well, my friend, Mrs. Iowa swears by not just any old Pilates, but the Pilates Reformer. This is a platform thing with pulleys and straps and things that make it look like a midevil torture device (well, that or something sold at a heavy duty porn/sex toy shop). Given her endorsement, I bit. I had my first session today, and Hey Mikey! I like it! Good thing, too, cuz I bought a 12-session package. Soon, I too will look like Mrs. Iowa. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Ride/Run II

Here's the post I meant to do a while ago about the ride/run. Remember how last year I was all jazzed up about completing the Ride/Run? Well, this year my sister asked me to do it with her, and I just did not have the motivation. What is that about? Have I fallen that far? Apparently so. Well, I pushed through that and agreed to do it. I then proceeded to NOT train until the week before, and then injured my knee and was almost out of the deal. I was almost hoping the knee would be too puffy, but Sahm would have killed me.

So, despite all of my foot-dragging, I did the Ride/Run, and once again finished the thing. I accomplished me goal of finishing and NOT walking. So, way to go, me; you big lazy blob.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blasted Perfection

I like sweets. No, that's an understatement. I looooove sweets. I adore them, crave them, want them, need them, hug them and squeeze them and call them George. Mmm, refined sugar and fat and corn syrup and things that end in -ose. Picture me with one of those sleepy-eyed wistful smiles.

Anyhoo, I am always tempted to consume sweets. Sometimes I am able to refrain, other times, not so much. Today is a not-so-much kind of day. I have been hearing about a new Blizzard treat at the DQ that had me intrigued. Have you heard about it? The Tagalong Blizzard! They have COMBINED the greatness of DQ ice cream with GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!! (Yes, I am shouting. Hello?! ICE CREAM AND GIRL SCOUT COOKIES!!) Not just any girl scout cookie (cuz I think they did the Thin Mint thing a while ago), but my absolute favorite kind of girl scout cookie, the Tagalong, otherwise known as a Peanut Butter Patty. My brother tried one today and let me know that they are just pretty darn perfect. This called for a field trial.

I went. I ordered. I consumed. It was faaaaaaaaaaaaabulous. It was pretty darn perfect. Everything I love about Oreo blizzards and the peanut butter flavor I love. My brother said it best when he noted that it is everything I have always wanted the Reece's Peanut Butter Blizzard to be.

Go forth. Order. Consume. Smile the dreamy-eyed smile with me. And then join me in cursing DQ for adding one more blasted thing to my list of things I love and should not eat.

Extended Absence

Whoo, I think I need to bring a broom to clean out the cobwebs on this site! I have been super busy and not blogging (thank you, Captain Obvious).

I have many topics on which to blog, and am not sure how to sort them all out or where to start. Today, I will start with a list so that I don't forget later.

We'll call this the "coming soon to this blog near you" section:

Insta-boobs and Chicken Cutlets
*Kids say the darndest...
Ride/Run 2
Poor Kid, er Woman
Jammin with the Band
Laser Vision
Domicile Discontent
Golf Pro

You can all vote on the most intriguing topic and I'll write that one first.